I've uh got a book series I'm pitching to agents/editors right now [had some interest, still waiting to hear...] about couples who meet on Craigslist wink . Glad to know real people do too laugh .

I've met a couple of people from the boards in person - I'd consider it social networking. I'm addicted to FB, go through phases with Twitter.

One of the biggest... social networks [as long as we're expanding the definition a bit] I'm a part of is the email lists/loops for the writers' group I'm part of and the writing blogs I follow. I have made some AMAZING friends that way.

LOVE them laugh .

And I really do need to get back here more often... I may even have a WIP rolling around somewhere... wink Y'all do know there's still some of us hanging out on IRC in #loisclark right? Join us!
