Although, Harper did immediately remove those specific proposals Wendy listed in reponse to the opposition parties' objections. However, there the Coaltion did not budge.

The difference between this coalition and the earlier suggestions that Wendy mentioned is that this one is more specific - for example, it guraantees that the Bloc Quebecois will be part of the consultative process shaping legislation for one and a half years.

There is a provincial election on Monday in Quebec - the PQ is in not in power at the moment but it has been in the past. Pauline Marois is the head of the Parrti Quebecois, the separatist (or soverignist or independiste: you chose the label smile ) party there. The PQ is in not in power at the moment but it has been in the past. She has been quoted saying that as soon as the Coaltion takes power in Ottawa, they will immediately transfer $1B to Quebec.

I'm still teed at both sides in this whole mess - boys playing testerone challenge with my country at a time when we are facing serious economic challeneges.

Harper's proroguing the House of Commons means, in effect that there will be about an extra week that the House will not sit. (they would ordinarily be shutting down for what I've always thought was a very long Xmas recess smile )

I'm hoping during this period that all paries will scout out the few adults in their groups and listen to them!

Did have to smile at Dion's video though. Have to wonder how it came to be so ineptly done - I wonder if some insider did this to sabotage him? It's like that NDP caucus conference call that the Tories listened in on. According to the NDP spokesperson, a Tory MP "inadvertenly" was included on the list that set up the conference call. Yeah?? Like how could that happen??

You look for comic relief where you can find it these days.
