ML meant the Governor-General, rather than the Attorney General.
Oops. Uh, yeah. That. blush

I love the snark here, ML.
Well, that's the only reason I vote - so that I can, afterwards, sit on the sidelines and snark at all these clowns.

So for this "coalition" to govern Canada, it would have to rely on the Party that wants to break up Canada.
Personally, I think they should go all the way with this by making Gilles Duceppe the Prime Minister. Wouldn't that make politics in Canada fun? Or... at least make it fun for the last few months that Canada is a country laugh

What economic crisis?
Wait! There's an economic crisis? Well, darn, someone should mention that to the boys on the hill. laugh

Oh, but, wait! I thought that this fight was over the economic crisis. The Prime Minister of the week laugh decided to take away the opposition's money because the entire Canadian economy was doomed if they paid out that $30 million. And the opposition is fighting to get the government to introduce a stimulus package. It has nothing to do with losing that money. laugh

So see... they really are taking the economy seriously (and if you believe that, there's some swamp land in Florida I'd like to sell you - really cheaply, too, considering the economic times in which we live laugh )

There. Are. NO ADULTS. in Parliament. None. Nada. Rien. Kein. Nope - no Grown-ups.
And you're just figuring this out now? goofy

ML wave (who finds laughing at the idiocy of all politics so much more fun than debating the issues)

She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane