ML meant the Governor-General, rather than the Attorney General.

The Conservatives, of course, are crying, "No fair! No fair! [Stomp feet] We won the election! You're overruling the will of the people!" What they fail to mention is that the majority of Canadians voted for the opposition.
laugh I love the snark here, ML.

But define "opposition" . smile Given there are 3 political parties in Opposition, no two of which in combination has more seats than The Government Party, it'll be neccesary for a LIberal-NDP coaltion to also include the Bloc Quebecois whose goal is to separate from Canada.

So for this "coalition" to govern Canada, it would have to rely on the Party that wants to break up Canada.

Gotta love irony.

There. Are. NO ADULTS. in Parliament. None. Nada. Rien. Kein. Nope - no Grown-ups.

What economic crisis?

soooo teed off.
