wendy wrote:

Yes, Flaherty is now saying that there may be economic stimulus in January, but many commentators feel that this will be too late.
Yesterday, at a press conference, Flaherty (our finance minister for any non-Canadian who might be reading this ) said that there *would* be aid for the automotive sector in the January budget as part of a stimulus package. But I do agree that it would have been more reassuring to see a more specific stimulus package announced.

The Americans have yet to introduce a stimulus package, other than the bank bailouts. Our government had already injected money into the banking system. As well our banking system is was not quite as shaky as the American one. (not this government's doing, btw - our syystem has been in place for over half a century. (That means I've forgotten the exact date the Bank of Canada and all those banking regs were put in place! smile )

Of course, do we trust Flaherty? Do we trust very many of them?

Still, I'm certainly not an expert on Canadian party politics and strategy, and it's just as likely that the Opposition parties believe that they have the Conservatives on the run now so why on earth should they stop now?
Oh I agree, absolutely! The scent is in the air. And backing down is very hard to do,

Goodale as PM , eh? He's a bit of a bully in Hof C debates. But he was the interim leader prior to the convention that chose Dion, so it would be logical for the Party to pick him now, until the Liberal leadership is decided in May.

Still would really like to know what the Bloc has been promised in return for its support. Waiting for the media to ask some hard questions. Perhaps today they will, So far they've been too giddy covering the 'game' itself..

So very unstable - bet the stock market loses big points today.

Global economic crisis, rising unemployment and the boys in Ottawa are playing alpha-male Student Council games. (or pissing contests on the football field but I don't believe I can say that on the non-n side .)

sooooo teeeeeeeeeed off


addition: The National Post is saying Michael Ignatief - if so that's a pretty amazing achivement for the very bright Ignatief. He returneed to Canada 2 years ago after a nearly 30 year absence - he'd decidied he would like to become leader of the Liberal Party . He lost to Dion but has become a very creditable Member of Parliament since then. According to the Post he was unwilling to support the Coaltion unless, well... he were its leader.

Game to Michael Ignatief. smile (okay the political junkie in me is fascinated by how he's played his hand)


still teed off!

And what do you want to bet the Coaltion Gov't will still recess for Christamas as planned (Parliament breaks well before the Christmas week) and have no stilulus package ready to go before the end of January which is when the Conservatives were going to announce theirs.

teed off and cynical