Wait! There's an economic crisis? Well, darn, someone should mention that to the boys on the hill.
But, MLT that surely can't be. Stephen Harper's own mother said that there was nothing wrong with the economy and that we should feel perfectly safe investing right now. Now, if Stephen Harper's Mom feels this way, we all should, right?

This whole situation is a mess. We just had an election that cost us millions of dollars. Now, the Opposition are thinking of forming a coalition government. Now, with the Liberals having the most numbers of seats out of the other Opposition parties, we're going to have Stephane Dion as Prime Minister. Lest we forget, Dion is stepping down from his post, so he really doesn't want to be PM. Ducceppe is the next logical step, but can you imagine what kind of country Canada would become with him as PM? Yes, he would make Canadian politics fun. I'm not sure about productive, but surely we would have fun.

Well, that's the only reason I vote - so that I can, afterwards, sit on the sidelines and snark at all these clowns.
Well, given the way our politicians are behaving, I think your reason is the best reason to vote. I think it would naive to actually vote cause you thought things would be different.

Well, we have our Finance Minister announcing today that more economic stimulus will be included in a January 27th budget. Now, the real question is, will this date really be his budget, or will it belong to the incoming coalition government?

Let's wait and see.