I'm not sure that it's true to say that the Opposition didn't meet the government half-way - as I read it, the Opposition objected to the lack of any economic stimulus package, in response to which the Conservatives removed the 'removing funding from political parties' proposal (which was never part of the election platform and appeared out of the blue this week). Yes, Flaherty is now saying that there may be economic stimulus in January, but many commentators feel that this will be too late. Still, I'm certainly not an expert on Canadian party politics and strategy, and it's just as likely that the Opposition parties believe that they have the Conservatives on the run now so why on earth should they stop now? goofy

As for who would be prime minister under an Opposition-parties coalition, there are apparently already talks between the parties to dump Dion ASAP and bring in someone who might be perceived as a bit more acceptable to the electorate - and, true, to the opposition parties (and, naturally, is neither Bob Rae nor Michael Ignatieff... wink ). The question is, of course, whether such a paragon actually exists. The name I've seen mentioned is Ralph Goodale, but I know too little about the personalities to guess whether he'd more closely resemble David quelling Goliath, or... well,

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Wendy cool

Just a fly-by! *waves*