1. Song you listened to? I Love You, But You're Green (Babyshamles)
2. Thing you ate? lemon chicken with fettucine and a mixed salad
3. Thing you drank? red berry infusion
4. Movie you saw in a theater? either Juno or 27 Dresses (first one was quite good, second one: well, no-one will give me those two hours of my life back ...)
5. TV show you watched? was forced to watch Bones (was actually quite nice), voluntarily: Moonlight (okay, so it's not the greatest show out there, but that vampire sure is hot)
6. Sporting event you watched? Triwizard Tournament (a friend and I held a little Harry Potter movie marathon, pointing out where JK Rowling went wrong - and drooling over Ron, even if just a little wink )
7. Book you read? Finished Buddenbrooks: The Decline of a Family and am currently in the middle of AS Byatt's Little Black Book of Stories
8. Fic you read? Green Fever
9. Vacation you took? Spent a couple of days in the Black Forrest (see HP Movie Marathon) and am currently at my mom's. Last long-distance vacation: Christmas two years ago, I went to Georgia and spent a couple of days in Florida.
10. Web site you visited? I always have a ton of tabs open, the ones I visited in the last half-hour are Slate.com, WSJ.com, the Kansas University Department of Journalism website, YouTube and rsc.org.uk (because I will probably see David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor as Hamlet this summer hyper Ah yes, and Captain Picard will probably be there, too wink

And a couple of bonus questions:
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? carry my laptop out of the room I sleep in (I can't sleep with the noise, but I don't usually turn it off)
12. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? groan, turn around
13. What color are your shoes today? brown suede boots

I always spend way too much time with this type of polls ...

steph, gr8shades: I totally support Buffy/Spike - he's just so hot (I almost couldn't believe what they had them do on the show back in the day, that was some pretty hot stuff), but Riley: juck!

But I was never really into Angel in the first place, so it was easier for me to support Buffy's "relationship" with Spike (never watched Angel's spin-off, which is probably why I can watch Moonlight now without being totally put off smile )


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