Yay - I love these thingies laugh


1. Song you listened to? Here without you by Three Doors Down
2. Thing you ate? Cheeseburger
3. Thing you drank? Some peach juice in the afternoon
4. Movie you saw in a theater? Simpsons the Movie
5. TV show you watched? Friends (the one where Rachel tells the father)
6. Sporting event you watched? Probably the game of Handball I watched in January. I hardly ever watch sporting events, you realize.
7. Book you read? "Touchwood" by Karin Kallmaker
8. Fic you read? Nothing from here, sorry
9. Vacation you took? Los Angeles last spring? And that wasn't even real vacation... so, the last time real vacation was probably Denmark in winter 2006.
10. Web site you visited? (other than this one)? Livejournal wink

And a couple of bonus questions:
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? Cuddle my stuffed moose
12. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Shut off my cell phone and turn on my laptop
13. What color are your shoes today? It's been snowing, so I wear my yellow lined sneakers

Yeah, that was fun smile

"Maybe I know what it's like, trying to find fulfillment in the wrong person. Trying to fit into the mold others expect of you."

"Looking for love" by DC Lady