1. Song you listened to? Something VeggieTales. Not intended for the four and under crowd? Probably 'Lost Without You', instrumental version trying to decide if it would work for an FFT but that was last week
2. Thing you ate? Monkey bread from DH's men's group last night - brought some home for the kids, I finished it off wink
3. Thing you drank? Pepsi
4. Movie you saw in a theater? The Pirates who Don't Do Anything. Not intended for the four and under crowd... not a clue
5. TV show you watched? Well, NCIS is on right now, but that's a DVD. Does that count? Otherwise, I watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 with the kids this morning, but that was TIVO'd from last night.
6. Sporting event you watched?NASCAR two weekends ago. DH has had golf and stuff on since then, but I didn't really watch. He's also been watching basketball *blech*. I do get to see the Big League St. Louis Cardinals play the AA Springfield Cardinals on Saturday.
7. Book you read? Playground Problems. Geared for the over 6 year old... Not sure.
8. Fic you read? Am reading Going to the Chapel right now. Have read a bunch recently though including Tough as Nails earlier today which was good.
9. Vacation you took? *spews Pepsi all over everything* Vacation? In this lifetime? Okay, we went to St. Louis last May for our 10 year anniversary. I was 7 months pregnant and we walked everywhere. We're going to Florida sometime in 2009...
10. Web site you visited? (other than this one)? Archive. Email. Other email. When I get my 'stimulus payment'. What is a Tsunami [that one is research].

And a couple of bonus questions:
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? wonder how long before my 8 month old wakes me up
12. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? wonder how long it's been since I went to sleep and then realize it's only been about 90m and the 8 month old is crying
13. What color are your shoes today?Shoes? What shoes? I'm wearing white socks. And if I must, I'll probably put on my STL Cardinals Crocs or a pair of white tennis shoes
