This sounds like fun!

1. Song you listened to?
Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen. It was on the radio when I woke up.
2. Thing you ate?
Chicken Fingers
3. Thing you drank?
4. Movie you saw in a theater?
I also saw Juno. And it's not because I don't like movies. I'm just poor and can't afford admission
5. TV show you watched?
Haven't watched actual TV in a while because all the shows I watch are off due to the writers strike. But last week I had some last mintue panic/procrastination issues so I watched a couple epis of LnC to calm me down. (which is, by the way, how I got into this show in the first place)
6. Sporting event you watched?
7. Book you read?
Do textbooks count? No? Okay, then I guess it's Look Me in the Eye by John Elder Robison
8. Fic you read?
I recently reread When Larry met Charlie by Wendy
9. Vacation you took?
Double hah! When you can't afford movies, it's a pretty clear indication of where you're going to be spending your time off.
10. Web site you visited? (other than this one)?
I found this really cool museum website that had all kinds of acutal spy gadgets that will be useful as I write my latest fic

And a couple of bonus questions:
11. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Turn off my big lamp and do the blind-man stumble to my bed because I still haven't bought a new bedside lamp after my old one shorted out a couple months ago.
12. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Press snooze. Many times.
13. What color are your shoes today?
That depends. With or without dust? The streets right now are very dirty thanks to the recent spring-like thaw. (not that I'm complaining about the warm weather!) Normally they are tan and red.