1. Song you listened to? "London Calling" by The Clash

2. Thing you ate? French onion soup

3. Thing you drank? Milk

4. Movie you saw in a theater? "Sweeney Todd"

5. TV show you watched? "Mythbusters" on Sunday.

6. Sporting event you watched? The last Super Bowl.

7. Book you read? "Middlesex" by Jeffery Eugenides

8. Fic you read? Can't recall...

9. Vacation you took? Spent last Thanksgiving over in Uclelet/Tofino.

10. Web site you visited? (other than this one)? Metafilter.

11. What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep? Read.

12. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Feed the fish.

13. What color are your shoes today? Grey/white runners.

Femme fatale with a hopelessly romantic heart!