Interesting thread! It's neat to find out what other FOLCs do in their non-L&C time.

I'm a mainframe computer programmer for an insurance company, which means that I don't get to use my creativity at work very often. I have to save it all up for writing fanfic and feedback. I'm also an amateur musician who plays bass in a gospel/bluegrass band. We play twice a month at a local restaurant and at churches in our local area. It's just pocket money, but the other people in the band are so nice that I'd probably do it for free if they asked me to. We have a lot of fun and make people smile.

Not long ago, our fiddle player (she plays "fiddle" and not violin - it's a very important distinction) started a piece called "Ashokan Farewell" and an older couple began waltzing to it between the tables. And they weren't one of our regulars! That was one of the many really good memories from this gig.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing