I finally got a job that I really feel happy about it. I'm a Child Development Program Assistant in a military base. I always loved kids so this was just perfect for me. Not to mention that I get weekends off!!! I work 6h and a half everyday, sometimes more when they need more help. I work with preschoolers ages 3, 4 and 5. My room has 40 kids and 6 teachers but not all the teachers are there at the same time... normally we have 4 or 5 during the hours we have more kids since my room is a full time preschool. I'm getting a lot of training and practice and it's really interesting! At the end of my 1 year and a half training I will have the equivalent of an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Developmet. The best part of the day is when my kids come and hug me and say they love me or when I can see I taught them something smile

I have a 25 minutes drive to work but I have to wake up at 5:40am so I can be there at 7am (I'm not a morning person so I'm really slow in the morning laugh ). I love what I do and I'm planning on going back to college and get an English and Literature Bachelor degree because I'd really like to become a teacher smile So keep your fingers crossed for me smile

Raquel smile

"It's not the years that count, it's the moments, right now as they happen." (Clark Kent to Lois Lane - Brutal Youth - S4)