Oh, how I would love to be able to say that I'm a novelist... I can't. Mind you, what I do is still kind of impressive. Even after 8 years I still get a little starry-eyed when I think about what I do for a living.

I work for a software company. My job title is "Automated Tests Specialist." -- sounds intelligent and wonderful, but really, it isn't all that impressive. wink

I'm a computer programmer (or at least, that's the best way to define what I do) - I write code and scripts so that the software testers (whose job it is to find bugs!) don't have to do the same long, repetitive and boring tasks every day. (For example, sending 500 small video clips to a tape and then capturing them all back again)

We develop software for the video/entertainment industry here.

One is a video editing application (like Movie Maker, but a gazillion times better) which is used among other things to bring you wonderful TV shows, such as Heroes, for instance. It's also the product that was used to edit the Donner cut of Superman II.

The second is a 3D modeling/animation product. I'm sure you've all heard of Happy Feet? Well, the tool they used to make the penguins is the application that we create here. (and this, in a way, means that about thiiiiiiis small of the Oscar they got for Best Animated belongs to us - and a small portion of that is miiiiiine! since I was on the R&D team for this application, at the time.)

There you go. That's what I do. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies