We already feared you, TJ! laugh

Me, I've sort of stumbled onto my dream-job. Ever since my first job at the amusement park, I've wanted a "9-5 Mon-Fri office job." Had one of those for a while, until I had kids. Then last year I had to find a new one. I do accounts receivable, but without collections calls (the credit dept. deals with customers, so I don't have to do much on the phone at all). I have a nice office (with a door!) all to myself.

I've got two main duties -- input all the payments that come through the company's p.o. box, and check the sales reports from each of the 14 store locations. They're not all that similar to each other, so when I'm sick of one, I can just move to the other for a while. smile Since I'm not on the phone, working set hours isn't all that important -- as long as I get my 40 hours in, my boss doesn't much care when I do it. Which is a big plus since I have to arrange my schedule around what my kids are doing.

Since I don't deal with customers, and since this is a manufacturing business, I can wear jeans and flip-flops, too, though I prefer sneakers. My co-workers -- well, the people in my department are great. My boss is awesome. The lady in the office next to mine can be kind of obnoxious -- likes to talk and talk loudly. she's on vacation this week and I'm enjoying the quiet -- but I'm contemplating calling off sick on Monday so I don't have to listen to her tell the same vacation stories to everyone all day. goofy But most of the time I'm okay with her.

And did I mention I have an internet connection? laugh I can't watch videos and certain sites are blocked, but I can still read a lot of them.

So -- good hours, working conditions, co-workers, location ... I could not have found anything so perfect if I'd tried, so I thank God for setting me up with it!


"You told me you weren't like other men," she said, shaking her head at him when the storm of laughter had passed.
He grinned at her - a goofy, Clark Kent kind of a grin. "I have a gift for understatement."
"You can say that again," she told him.
"I have a...."
"Oh, shut up."

--Stardust, Caroline K