That's exactly it, Kae. It is supposed to function like an external hard drive. The problem is that the system doesn't seem to be properly recognizing it, and I can't figure out why.

Have you tried plugging it in via the DATA port and then manually assigning it a drive letter? I know you've tried both steps seperately, but have you done them together?

I'm trying to think what else I can suggest. Only other thing that comes to mind is kind of risky. SP2, it seems, is (for whatever odd reason) a lot more laptop friendly than desktop friendly. It also seems to be more iRiver friendly. So... have you ever tried installing SP2 on the laptop?

Oh, that reminds me... Have you tried fiddling with the System Restore settings? With the US version of windows, you can access it like this:

Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore

The right half of the window allows you to revert to an earlier restore point or create a new one. The left explains about system restore and, at the bottom, has a link to the settings.

Settings can also be accessed by right-clicking "My Computer," selecting properties, and then clicking the "System Restore" tab at the back.

There are basically two settings. One is a checkbox that lets you turn off System Restore. The other is a slider that lets you determine how much disk space System Restore is allowed to use.

So, if you haven't already, make sure the checkbox is clear and that the slider is far enough over that there's room for a new restore point.

The other thing you can try is to manually create a restore point at reglar intervals and before major changes.

Hope some of this helps.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.