
Well, I missed the 2004 thread too so I guess I don't have anything to be held accountable for. :p

So, highlights of 2004 for me:
  • made the big decision to stay in school for another 4 years for a Ph.D.
  • got to visit Europe for the first time (Vienna and Scotland) although only for 1 day of sightseeing each
  • finished my master's thesis (though technically it was done this past Monday so 2005, but close enough wink )
  • got my 1st research publication (2 publications actually smile )

Hopes for 2005:
  • get back into karate training or at least some form of exercise in my life
  • be starting to write my Ph.D. thesis proposal by end of the year
  • be less shy and more active in meeting new people starting with ...
  • stop being a lurker and give feedback to fanfic and post more on these messageboards (starting with this post goofy )

I think I'll stop before I give myself too many things to be held accountable for next year. goofy


Check out my social-networking game I created just for FoLCs: http://folc.mindkin.com