Ooh, I like this idea and maybe actually writing down my resolutions will make me stick to them (and I’ll happily take ‘partly stick to them’ wink ). At the moment I’m just happy I missed last year’s thread. laugh

Okay, so 2004 highlights:
Met Rivka while she was in Israel and had a great time talking to another FoLC in person.

I got a new computer that will allow me to do all the FoLC things I want, though I’m still installing stuff and reading manuals so I haven’t really done much yet. wink

I got a DSL line (that’s part of the reason for the new computer) and got back on line and on IRC (which I can’t do from work). It was so great to have this immediate connection with other FoLCs again!

I took a photography course that was a lot of fun; the down side is I have all this photography stuff I want to buy now. wink

In the last few months I made an effort to give more FDK mostly through the MBs and made moderate progress. I’m especially proud of this achievement as it has been constantly on my ‘private resolutions that must never be stated out loud’ list for at least three years.

2004 sore spots:
Didn’t lose any weight – which ties in neatly with ‘didn’t exercise regularly’. blush

Didn’t get my apartment organized they way I planned to due to RL issues and my ever improving procrastination. wink

Didn’t save enough money to go visit FoLC and didn’t even meet Julie while she was in Israel. frown

2005 resolutions
Learn a programming language up to a level that will allow me to upgrade my site.

Save some money so that I’ll be able to afford the LC DVDs when the come out in Israel.

Try to give more FDK and not be so shy about e-mailing it either.

Get some work done on my apartment and be a lot neater! (Thanks for the reminder JD)

Finally finish my story and show it to at least 5 people.

Make at least one music video.

Avia (who is also saving this list to her HD and creating weekly reminders for some of this stuff)

"I get it, you're a ghost. You're dead. Big accomplishment, move on. You see a light anywhere? Go towards it okay?"

Cordelia in 'Rm w/a Vu' - Angel episode 1x05