Like Yvonne, I somehow missed this thread last year. So that's my first resolution, post more, especially feedback. I have been really bad at that rescently.

2004 was a good-ish year for me, because I finally got a proper job, meaning I finally got to move out of my parent's house, I get to live in London, and I get a pension. The last bit is so grown up for me it scares me slightly! But boogie on anyway razz mad sad frown last job for so long, and my dad having a heart attack. Luckily he's fine now, but it was a shock.

Anyway, my other resolutions, and I've already shared these with other friends, so I'm hoping that I'll actually achieve them!

More dancing - I've got a long list of bands I want to see live, and I never quite manage it.

More cricket - actually get to a test match this year!

Lear how to say 'no' to try to bring a little bit of control back into my life (that means cutting back on some of my voluntary work so I get some 'me' time - see previous resolutions!)

Mostly though this year I'm looking forward to settling down for a bit (I have lived in 6 different places in the last 5 years!), and not having to worry what happens when my contract ends.


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.