-Be a little neater! (Slob isn't that far off the mark for me)
That's an excellent one! I'm adding that to my list!!!! People think I am very clean at home - amost anal b/c well at my old restaurant job I was anal about cleanliness and my desk at my new job - I always get comments on because I always clean it at the end of the day. They *all* would be shocked to see my house. Right now I'm blaming it on b/c I'm not in my mode - it's not my house and I cannot have it the way I need to have it. Now if I get my house this year and I still fail...well THAT REALLY BAD!!! My excuses won't extend there! LOL

Well I do know I need a dishwasher. That would help with one of my weaknesses.

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.