I have to say I love Christmas. While I am completely non-religious, I love everything about it, including the crowds at the malls. Sure it's annoying to find parking and tough to get anywhere, but I love the fact that people are celebrating, regardless of their reason. It doesn't matter to me whether people consider it a religious holiday, a commercial holiday, or just a reason to put up a tree and cool decorations. It's just a nice festive time. The music is great, religious or secular. The deals you get on Black Friday are awesome, too (provided you can deal with the zillions of rebates).

Ok, there's a couple of things I don't like. I don't like having to take the decorations down after Christmas. I still have lights on the back from four years back that probably don't even work anymore, but I am too lazy to take them down. lol

I also don't like the assaults on Christmas in the public arena. If you don't like it, don't celebrate it. But give us our holidays and stop messing with them. To avoid offending the few who dislike Christmas to the extreme, these people end up offending the majority by attacking the symbols of the holiday. I'm non-religious and I'm offended, not by the holiday but by those who are trying to spoil it for everyone else.

Darn it, I'm going to say, "Merry Christmas," and not restrict myself to just "Happy Holidays." What the heck is Macy's Christmas Day Parade anyway if you take away the Christmas aspect of it?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin