MLT your post cheered me right up, does that somehow make me evil smile

Paul, you should do what Seth does from the O.C. - celebrate Chrismukah! goofy

Personally, the fun of Christmas is kinda fading for me. However I absolutely love Boxing day (the day after Christmas Day). It's my second favourite day of the year behind Australia Day. You don't have to worry about food because there's plenty of leftovers, you don't have to spend the day with family, you don't have to worry about gifts or anything like that. It's just an awesome relaxing day. My boxing day's usually involve a bbq with friends, plenty of beers to go round, and the boxing day test match (cricket) on the TV.
I feel sorry for people who have to spend their christmas in the middle of winter. I hate winter, I think its so depressing. I love having christmas in summer.

Avatar: Michael Clarke, awesome Aussie cricket player