As long as we're venting our complaints...

I can't say I hate Christmas, but as part of the non-Christian minority, I'm not exactly a fan. It kind of gets to me sometimes, seeing it at every turn. Christmas music is in all the stores and on just about every radio channel for a month and a half. Quite a few dvertizements on TV and elsewhere are Christmas-themed, too, not to mention a batch of movies.

Down here in Florida, people sometimes don't even stop to realize that not everyone celebrates it. Sometimes, you'll see a little menorah off in the corner, but that's about it.

Even here on the boards, Cristmas currently dominates the poll section.

Sure, I understand. 85% - 90% of the country clebrates Christmas (not sure of the world figure, but it's fairly high, I think). It's just that, as one of the remaining 10 - 15%, I'd prefer not to have it everywhere. I don't really enjoy the music, because it means nothing to me, other than a reminder that I'm not with the majority.

Actually, that sort of left-out feeling is exactly why Chanukah was changed (here in the US, at least) from a minor holiday with a few symbolic coins (often chocolate) as the only traditional gift to the larger production it is today.

So, I guess what I'm saying is that I don't hate Christmas, it's just that, since I don't celebrate it, I'd kind of prefer to have some space without it.


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.