After watching 2 episodes of Smallville WITH Lois, I realized something that we all know but don't always verbalize: Clark Kent without Lois Lane to inspire, frustrate, and tantalize boring. A man that is Godlike in looks with unbelievable powers - well he needs to be with someone that's not impressed by all that. Now, you can say that in the comics, Lois is ga-ga over Superman - but they never end up with much time together. It's fleeting moments here and there - he's not real to her. He's a God. He comes and goes - he saves the day and leaves again.

It's Clark, who's real, that she spends the most time with. Clark doesn't want someone to be impressed by his powers - he wants someone that loves him for who he is.

I love that Lois is already calling him "Smallville" just like Lois does in the comics. Lois livens things up. Chloe may have been a clone of her in some ways, but she doesn't have the chemistry with Clark - plus she has that teenage crush on Clark thing going, where Lois, being a few years older, doesn't impress that easily. YOu can see in her face that she knows he's a hottie, since she's seen "Clark JR" (that still cracks me up) but she'll not admit to the attraction. She doesn't cut him any slack.

Here's what I wish the WB would do:

1) Put Clark in a scenario where he has to jump off a building or something to save someone he loves - and in the process, he realizes that he can fly - as Clark not as Kal-El.

2).After graduation, since all the actors in the show are older anyway, skip college and move the show to Metropolis with the current continuity - i.e., he interviews with Perry, who remembers he owes him a favor, and after losing touch with Lois for 4-5 years, realizes that he will be working with her again. The old attraction/animosity thing surfaces but they're older now. She doesn't fall for the glasses in this version, because she met Clark without them. When Superman makes an appearance, she knows who he is right away, and protects his secret because she loves his family and doesn't want anyone close to him to be hurt (including Chloe).

Hey if Saved by the Bell can do: The College years, why can't Smallville do:the Metropolis years. Quite honestly, I don't even want to see TW in the costume. They can allude to Superman and show photos of him, but the series could still focus on Lois and Clark.

Well...not gonna happen I guess, but I can dream...


"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"