Mark this day on your calandars, FoLCs.
Smallville. Actually. Got. Good.

I kid you not. Lane and Kent, together for the first time, have made this show kick butt. Well, at least this episode. And the last one was pretty awesome too. I just love everything about Erica Durance's Lois Lane. She's smart and sassy and opinionated and she's got more guts than any character I've ever seen. She actually DUG UP Chloe's grave! It doesn't get much better than that. She totally makes the show.

Dare I say it... it's almost sacreligious... but... but... I actually like this Lois better than Teri Hatcher's. I know. Hard to believe. Impossible, really. But true. She's just so pickin' awesome during every scene. Investigating with Clark. The classic triangle in the Kent's driveway. And the shower scene. Oh, the shower scene. Five words: Naked Clark. Lois in flannel. The sheer genious of it all. I really didn't think Gough and Millar had it in them.

Okay, rip me apart. I know you're all thinking it. How could I have such praise for this show? How could I turn my back on our beloved, cancelled show? Well, I'm not, exactly. I'm just... not hating it *nearly* as much.
