I can't agree enough that this ep was fantastic! I'm in the 'love Lois' boat! She's awesome.

There was one part where I had to shake my head a bit thinking I had heard Dean... The part where Lana drives Lois back to Clark's house. Lois gets out of the car and Clark sees her and he says her name. It was EXACTLY how L&C Clark said it when ever he was surprised to see Lois somewhere. Even the look on his face was the same!
I was thinking the same thing! I thought, 'now he must have studied up from the pros!' laugh

And the conversation between Clark and Lana... I was almost looking for him to continue with, 'and she's pigheaded, stubborn...' then mumble 'brilliant' after Lana was gone! That would have totally rocked! thumbsup

Can't say enough about Lex. He's like every bad boy fantasy you've ever had! wink And I gloated with him as he watched his father be escorted into general population! dance

OK, no one's mentioned this, so I will. Is it just me or does anyone think Clark is off on who his enemy is destined to be? Yeah, I thought Lex-- he's always been Sman's enemy, right? Then I thought well maybe Lionel because they'd changed so much with this show. Then back to Lex. But now I think those are both wrong. What if his enemy is Lana?! dizzy I mean this whole tatoo thing... and the conversation Clark had with his folks about his enemy... and all the mystery with Lana... And she was in the CAVE!! When Clark turned to leave, he was staring at that picture of the snake and whatever it was. I think it might be a sign. Has Jor-El recruited Lana? Was she the 'one' from the start? I would be brilliant. Clark somewhat trusts Lana, would never, ever believe her to be the one to... whatever it is they plan for his enemy to do. (Wouldn't Lana haters everywhere love that?!) And it would make Lex lovers so happy! evil

But it all doesn't make sense from what little we know about Jor-El. And by that I mean Jor from the fifties ep. He was a lot like Clark. Which brings me right back to wondering if it's really Jor-El that keeps mucking with Clark! party I am SO glad there is a Lois!!

SQD(who will stop now with the knowledge that I'll probably be in Anna and Breanna's stoning party if I don't)