Originally posted by lynnm:
Kathy said
I just hope the rest of the SV-watching population is reacting as strongly to Lois as we are.
I happened to cruise by the Kryptonsite MBs this morning, just curious as to the buzz about last night's episode. I don't really go there often and I never post there because the level of intelligent conversation is fairly low. I have to say that I was discouraged to read how many posters thought that the epi was either "meh" or just didn't like it at all.
Hey Lynne...don't worry too much. A lot of people still liked Lois a lot, even some Clana fans converted to Clois. To be honest, all the fan reaction sounds mixed there were people who didn't like it and people who loved it. I enjoyed the episode because the Lois/Clark banter was so GREAT! Without those LnC scenes I wouldn't be enjoying the show that much.

Let's all hope it does better next week. Lois is such a good addition to the show and I really want more people to love her as they get to know the character more. Al/Miles really should check out the Lois and Clark forums, but so far the WB forums have a lot of pro-Clois people posting on fan reaction and whenever someone posts a hate thread about Lois there are people quick to support the character.

K-site though irritating at times is a lot more tame compared to DTS(Mostly pro-Lana hate-Lois) and the WB forums.

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