OK, I'm late to the party, so my gushing is going to be kind of stale.

I said it to CC and I'll say it again to all of you. Lois Lane is the best thing to come to Smallville since Naked Clark and Naked Lex.

I absolutely love this character. She is everything that I would expect Lois Lane to be and then even more. Tenacious, overly self-confident (didn't you love the remark at the end about how "she" saved Chloe, totally leaving out Clark's hand in it?), witty, sarcastic, gorgeous, and smart as a whip. Erica Durance has completely nailed this character.

I can't compare her with Teri Hatcher because I see these as two different genres almost. To me, LnC had a lot more of a comedic touch to it, and I think TH gave Lois a slightly "dingbatty" air (and I don't mean stupid, just kind of whacky/zany) which was perfect for the show and perfect against Dean Cain's Clark. I saw her kind of as the funny man against DC's earnest Clark. But I see Smallville as darker and more "real" (ok, you know what I mean!) and ED's Lois is perfect. She rants but it's not silly. She digs up graves, but she doesn't crawl into caskets with little people. See what I mean?

Favorite scenes - every single one with Lois and Clark in them. Loved the two of them standing in front of Martha and Jonathan looking so guilty. Loved Clark trying to backpedal his way out of the whole shower scene while Lois just smirked. Also love when she left and gave him the "Way to go!" when it had been all her fault. She's so cool!

And even the scene at the end, with Clark and Lana, Lois owned that scene. Because all while Clark was protesting, he meant not a single word of it. I think Tom Welling deserves mad props for pulling off that whole thing brilliantly - he gave it just the perfect touch of outrage tinged with "OMG I love this woman even if I don't know it yet."

Which leads me to the chemistry between Lois and Clark - it is bloody magnificent. Even when they are arguing you expect that any second they are going to start pashing madly. And already - two epis into the season - I'm just dying for them to do that.

One big thing I'm seeing. Did anyone else notice how much of Kal-El seems to have remained in Clark? He didn't hesitate at all when attacking either the black-night soldiers or that creepy guy at the very end. He seems to have a new confidence in his abilities and a fearlessness about using them. No more of this "Oh, what should I do?" deer-in-the-headlights look, rather a determined stride and a take-charge attitude. I'm so loving this! Plus...they've kept the cool Kal-El hair. Thank you, TPTB!! Thank you thank you thank you thank you. <sigh>.

OK, rest of the show. Lana didn't annoy me so much, except at the end. What is she doing playing that guy, Jason? Leading him to think she left because of their relationship, then only as he's about to walk out the door telling him that it wasn't him. Why the heck did she "have" to leave Paris? Have to say that I do like Lana's wardrobe much better, and she seems to have grown up a bit. She was actually - dare I say - wise during that cave scene with Clark. Still not digging the whole Lana as part of SM mythos stuff at all.

Lex. Sweet, sexy Lex. I love that he's completely come into his own. Always before when he would have an interaction with Lionel, you saw doubt and uncertaintly written on Lex's face. Not so much now. He has Lionel under his thumb and doesn't seem to be intimidated by him at all anymore.

OK, big WTF moment with that Freak of The Week Terminator-villian wannabe. So completely unnecessary. Lionel could just have had a bunch of evil thugs after Chloe and I would have believed it. Instead we have absolutely random freak guy out of nowhere. Boo hiss. Only wrong note in a perfect episode, IMO.

Glad to see Chloe is back. Wonder how she's going to feel once those sparks start flying off Clark and Lois?

Carol, I see what you're saying. There is no possible way that Lois and Clark are going to fight and bicker for a little while, then all of the sudden be The Lois and Clark couple we all know that they eventually become. There has to be much angst and suffering. Plus, of course, there is Miles and Gough's complete love and obsession with Lana that can't just be given up as a lost cause. Even so, I have to say that already I feel this amazing tension between LnC and want them together. Perhaps that's because I know that eventually they do end up together. I don't think I'll mind being teased a bit. I can tell you this, M&G are utter morons if they don't take advantage of ED's Lois Lane. I can honestly say that if I didn't like her so much (and looking at the pretty, pretty boys) I'd be likely to not go out of my way to watch SV if it's all about the Clana. LOL about your remark that Lana is Clark's half-sister!!! That would be too funny.

<sigh> This is going to be such a kick-butt season!


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah