1. Lois and Clark as a couple or Lois and Clark as just friends? couple, i really liked season four, when they were married, happy and together.
2. Superman in the black suit or in the traditional red and blue? Black, both Clark and Dean look great in black.
3. Zara or Mayson? Zara, at least Clark and Zara being together, was for a purpose, not love. Mayson really threw herself at Clark, it was all one sided. I never could see that Clark would ever have fallen in love with Mayson, even if Lois hadnt been around
4. The wedding arc or the New Krypton arc? The new krypton arc, the fact that Lois had to spend any time with Luthor creeped me out. At least with the New Kryton arc they were in love when he left and we had hope that someday they would be together.
5. Michael Landes as Jimmy or Justin Whalin as Jimmy? Definately Justin Whalin, Michael looked to much like Dean to make it believable for me
6. Lex or Tempus? Tempus, lex creeps me out.
7. The virtual bed scene in "Virtually Destroyed" or the elevator scene in "Brutal Youth?" Tough one, if I had to pick I think Virtually Destroyed. We got to see Clark half without his shirt. In Brutual Youth, it still fascinates me how both Dean and Teri seem so natural kissing and talking at the same time. If they didnt have something going on at that time, boy are they great actors.
8. Lois with long hair or Lois with short hair? long.
9. Lois and Clark's fight in "House of Luthor" or their fight in "Stop the Presses?" Stop the presses, you can see that the fight was because they we both falling in love, but were too scared to admit it.
10. Clark's proposal to Lois or Lois' proposal to Clark? Clarks proposal, although I thought he should have told her he was superman first. ( I can understand why he didn't). The line "if the earth opened up at my feet, I would not move until i said this", really proved how committed Clark was to Lois. That scene makes me cry every time I watch it.
11. This poll or staring at the wall? (ha)this poll

Superman is what I can do, Clark is who I am.