1. Lois and Clark as a couple or Lois and Clark as just friends? Friends because that leads to more stories about them getting together heh.
2. Superman in the black suit or in the traditional red and blue?
Definitely the black.
3. Zara or Mayson?
4. The wedding arc or the New Krypton arc?
New Krypton arc.
5. Michael Landes as Jimmy or Justin Whalin as Jimmy?
Justin Whalin
6. Lex or Tempus?
7. The virtual bed scene in "Virtually Destroyed" or the elevator scene in "Brutal Youth?"
Ooh, quite the curveball! Maybe I'll have to watch them to make a decision.
(chuckle, kidding)
Virtually Destroyed
8. Lois with long hair or Lois with short hair?
Long hair
9. Lois and Clark's fight in "House of Luthor" or their fight in "Stop the Presses?"
Stop the Presses
10. Clark's proposal to Lois or Lois' proposal to Clark?
Aww Lois' proposal to Clark
11. This poll or staring at the wall? (ha)
Hahaha, this poll or fighting with iTunes because it won't burn the song I want for my Flash video?

Bonus question: How many languages can YOU order dinner in?
3, good ole English, French, and Spanish

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy