1. Lois and Clark as a couple or Lois and Clark as just friends?
- Lois & Clark as friends, just starting to date.

2. Superman in the black suit or in the traditional red and blue?
- Superman in boxer shorts. Oh, wait.. um... Red and blue.

3. Zara or Mayson?
- HA! I'm actually going to say Mayson.

4. The wedding arc or the New Krypton arc?
- Neither. OMG! I'd rather watch another show than have to be submitted to that.

5. Michael Landes as Jimmy or Justin Whalin as Jimmy?
- Michael Landes.

6. Lex or Tempus?
- Tempus. I *hate* Lex!!! (except on Smallville, cause he's hot.. LOL)

7. The virtual bed scene in "Virtually Destroyed" or the elevator scene in "Brutal Youth?"
- I don't remember the elevator scene... we're talking about S4, here, you know. Can I pick the kiss at the end of Soul Mates instead?

8. Lois with long hair or Lois with short hair?
- Makes no difference to me, except for the fact that she had short hair in the seasons that I don't really like much....

9. Lois and Clark's fight in "House of Luthor" or their fight in "Stop the Presses?"
- I don't remember Stop the Presses... frown So HoL, I guess. And I don't know for sure what fight you mean, either.

10. Clark's proposal to Lois or Lois' proposal to Clark?
- oh, dude! Clark's! "If the earth opened up at my feet..." /me totally DIES.

11. This poll or staring at the wall? (ha)
- *oh, look, shiny!*

Bonus question: How many languages can YOU order dinner in?
- Two. I could probably manage Spanish well enough for that, I suppose, though.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies