And here I thought I'd be polled on whether work is overrated!

1. Lois and Clark as a couple or Lois and Clark as just friends? Couple
2. Superman in the black suit or in the traditional red and blue? Black drool (maybe with the addition of a cape)
3. Zara or Mayson? Zara
4. The wedding arc or the New Krypton arc? Wedding
5. Michael Landes as Jimmy or Justin Whalin as Jimmy? Michael Landes - nothing against JW, the other guy just got there first.
6. Lex or Tempus? Both
7. The virtual bed scene in "Virtually Destroyed" or the elevator scene in "Brutal Youth?" Bed scene
8. Lois with long hair or Lois with short hair? I like her personality better when she had long hair. Insecure Lois is more appealling to me.
9. Lois and Clark's fight in "House of Luthor" or their fight in "Stop the Presses?" HoL
10. Clark's proposal to Lois or Lois' proposal to Clark? Lois to Clark
11. This poll or staring at the wall? (ha) Must be the poll.

Bonus question: How many languages can YOU order dinner in? Two - Eng and Afrikaans... which is very similar to Flemish... and Dutch... so maybe 4?

When Life Gives You Green Velvet Curtains, Make a Green Velvet Dress.