I don't know about intellectual property and things like T-shirts etc - I know that CafePress has lots of fan-designed items related to TV shows etc, but maybe we don't want to take that risk?

However, I have seen some absolutely fabulous ideas on this thread, and I'm sure there would be demand for things such as cover art for fic (I've had that done for fic in other fandoms and I love the results), and converting fic to high-quality e-books - KenJ, what an amazing idea!

Cape Fetish, thank you so much for your lovely comment! blush Unfortunately, I haven't written in the L&C fandom since around 2007 and I don't think I could any more - I haven't even watched an episode for longer than that. So I honestly don't think I could offer fic, and even if I somehow had my arm twisted I'm afraid that the results would be disappointing sad However, I'm looking out for a way I can help with this effort smile

Keep the ideas coming, guys! I'm loving what I'm reading - and the more the better, because if we can raise enough money we'll be able to set aside reserve funds to pay for hosting of this and the other sites managed by Annette for several years, which would be wonderful.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*