As most know, I recently produced an epub and a .mobi of the current Kerth nominated fics. thumbsup

For a small donation to the L&C committee I will convert any story, series of stories by a particular author or collection of stories on a similar theme that the individual desires. You provide the titles – I provide the compilation. This doesn’t have to be just to the highest bidder, I will do compilations for as many donors as would like them. hyper

As a bonus, I will throw in a new compilation of the 2014 Kerth winning stories, once the winners have been announced. clap

This is an opportunity to have a compilation of your chosen stories in a format so that they can be read to you by your Kindle device. dance

"We have the technology, we have the talent. It's Milla time!" Ghostbusters

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
