I feel the need to clarify how exactly I find this "uncreative" writing. DC mentioned a Dexter character who drops f-bombs every other word. It's THOSE kind of characters (sorry DC and Dexter writers) which I find boring and uncreative, despite them being "true to life".
No offense taken, Virginia. I've actually never written any Dexter fics, save for the one (clean) Dexter/L&C crossover that I posted here. Deb was merely the first character that crossed my mind as an example where NOT having a character swear would actually jar me out of the story because it wouldn't be true to the character, as she was presented on the show. (She was a pretty hardcore, "one of the boys" type of cop who didn't take anything from anyone. I'm guessing some of her language stemmed from her working Vice at the beginning of the show, but that's just my observation and guess.)

Tell me, that if someone wrote a "Valley Girl" type Lois with her saying "totally" and "for sure" every other word, or a character which oft repeats "really" you wouldn't be pulling your hair out by the end of the scene (if you made it that far) from sheer annoyance factor?
Lois? God, no! Ick! But, if it was, say, Aphrodite from Hercules and Xena, then no, it wouldn't bother me, because she was written as more of a Valley Girl type of character. (No, she didn't "like" or "totally" everything, but enough to give her the Valley Girl feel.)

Because of the meaning behind some profanity makes my skin crawl and my hair -
Some of them make mine crawl too. spider

but in general I find excessive and repeated profanity or using swear words for shock (i.e. where they aren't needed) as being uncreative.
In writing, I agree. IF it is merely for shock value. But if it is done in keeping with an established character, then I'm not bothered by it, unless the swear words being used are typically NOT ones used by said character.

Um... DC, you might want to stop NOW, then, because the little sponges start soaking in their parents language use before age 1.
Ugh, I know. I'm trying. It's really difficult to break the habit. Half the time, I don't realize what I've said until after something's slipped out of my mouth. It all started in college, in the dorms, where cursing almost seemed to be a way of life. I guess part of me did it to fit in.

Total aside: but the other day he didn't want to hold my hand after school as we walked to the car and it nearly broke my heart. [Mecry] Come on, don't tell me 6 is too old to be seen holding his mamma's hand. Thankfully, he changed his mind back again by the next day. Phew.
Awwwwww! Now you make me want to find a way to slow down time so my little girls stay little!

Battle On,
Deadly Chakram

"Being with you is stronger than me alone." ~ Clark Kent

"One little spark of inspiration is at the heart of all creation." ~ Figment the Dragon