I'm at 38,818. I was going strong for awhile but then got lost because I don't know SOP.

My 100 word auto-summary:

Clark winced. “Clark’s on diuretics?” Perry interrupted. Perry nodded. Clark chuckled. Lois sighed. Lois asked. “If you say so.” What if we infect Clark Kent too? Clark nodded. Clark shrugged. Earth to Clark.”

Same old Lois. “Lois?”

Clark slept fitfully. “Jimmy?”

Clark shrugged. Lois smiled. It’s Lois. Clark smiled at her. Face it, Clark. Clark asked.

Lois rolled her eyes. “Where’s Clark?”

Lois sighed. Clark shrugged. Perry nodded. Mindy Church? “Lois, Lois, Lois! Perry called her. “Hey, Clark.”

Clark nodded. It was Clark. You, Lois.”

“Jimmy?” “Yeah, Perry?” “Clark?”

Clark nodded. Where was Clark? “Hi, Perry. x-Lois

PS While I will neither confirm nor deny the references to movie plots in my story, I'm dying to know what movie you're thinking of. I know quite a few that include monkeys.