I second that, Carol. Symbolic, I'm not even that far. I finally reached 6363 last night. I downloaded JoJo's calculator and put in my stats from the NaNo website, and now I know what I have to do to finish by the end of the month: 2300 wpd. Do-able, yes. Likely? Well, there's that long Thanksgiving break the last week. wink

No, I hope to use that vacation to get caught up more, but last night, I finally started pushing on my writing the way I have to do to finish this and totally surprised myself by writing 900 words in one hour. 2 1/2 hours a day of that, and I'd be finished.

Even as I write those words above, part of me says, "It isn't possible. I don't know what I'm going to write about." And yet...

In the midst of that outpouring last night, I felt like I was really tapping into my muse or my subconcious or whatever you want to call it. I was writing almost blind in terms of knowing what was coming next, but the words were pouring out because I had finally shut up my editing self. I started off stiffly, and the writing really showed it--totally telling instead of showing. Instead of deleting what I had written, I hit enter and then went back and began to write it as if I were inside my hero, and boy did he have a lot to share. smile

So today I'll try again: set the timer for 10 minutes; take a two minute break to reread; repeat. JoJo, thanks for the calculator, and Elisabeth, thanks for whatever you did to make it work so well. Off to do chores and then to write.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
