I netted 416 words by adding Tim. I made sure I included a special thank you to him, as well as to all of Calgary, on the special dedication page just to make my word padding complete.

Of course, the whole scene will be trashed in rewrites. Bobby never meets anybody outside of the back seat of someone's car.

Just to be wierd, while I would never mistake one for the other there is a bit of resemblance between James and Tim. They differ on their weight, but other than that they could be in the same lineup. "Officer, I am certain it was Number Three."

Make sure you check out the Book of Tim:



Are you writing with us Iolan? The more the merrier.

My Tim sighting:
Clark smiled at her, taking her by the elbow and guiding her to a table in the back corner. Sadly she noted that Bobby was nowhere to be seen.

As if reading her mind, Clark whispered to her, “Relax. You know Bobby. He takes perverse pleasure in sneaking up and scaring the wits out of us. He’ll come when he’s ready.”

She chuckled softly, the tension broken if only momentarily. “And how exactly does he do that, anyway? I thought you had ears like a bat. Normally nothing gets past you.”

He leaned in, never taking his eyes off of her. She was mesmerized, both by his closeness and by the conspiratorial gleam in his eyes. “For one thing, whenever we’re together, I tend to tune out the rest of the world.”

“Good morning.” Lois and Clark jumped apart as a voice over his shoulder greeting them. “My name is Tim, and I’ll be your waiter today.”

She glanced up as a brown-haired man with a well-trimmed goatee deftly dispersed water glasses around the table. The menus tucked under his arm were distributed around the table. Finally he pulled out four sets of tableware wrapped in napkins from the front pocket of his apron and placed them in the center of the table

“What can I get you folks to drink today?”

“Thanks, um…” Clark glanced at the waiter’s nametag which prominently displayed ‘Tim Mitchell’. “Thanks, Tim. We’re waiting for someone, so we’ll probably order when he gets here.”

“Sure,” Tim agreed. “I’ll come back when your fourth member is here. If you need anything before then, just give me a holler.”

He turned to leave, but his exit was interrupted.

“Actually, I’m in a bit of a hurry,” Bobby said. “You guys can wait if you want to, but do you mind if I order my drinks now?”

Lois’ eyebrows shot up as she realized that Bobby Bigmouth was now sitting across from her at the table. “How did you-?”

“Trade secret.” He turned back to the waiter, who had paused with his pen poised. “I’ll have a tomato juice and a black coffee.”