Thanks, Elisabeth. I actually made 1638 words yesterday, and today I finally reached 1671, and you know what? The number in the daily word count column turned green instead of black! I know, you guys already knew that, but today was the first day I finally exceeded the Nano minimum, so it was the first time I saw it.

Tomorrow I'll break into 5 digits with the rest of you. I intend to keep up this 1667 word pace at a minimum until my vacation, and then I can start picking up an extra 1150 words a day to make up for what I should have been writing the first ten days.

BTW, does anyone else ever wonder, "Who are these secondary characters who just wandered onstage?" When I'm just shooting from the hip as far as the writing goes, all sorts of people show up to interact with my MCs.

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story