and the boards are back up <huge sigh of relief>
Amen to that, Toc! And despite vicious and unprovoked rumours to the contrary goofy , it wasn't me!

It was Mere. <g>

I'm just glad I didn't lose any of these wonderful comments in between times! Thank you all so much for your thoughts, suggestions and blush inducing compliments. I'm overwhelmed. I'm sure I've forgotten someone here or something I meant to respond to – so forgive me if I have. I treasured each and every comment, believe me.

and not a killer named Norman. Which I didn't really get, by the way
Have to admit that I didn't get the bit about Norman, either
Norman didn't mean a thing to me, either
I was a little surprised this one eluded some of you. Not just because it's a classic but because for a certain generation it embedded itself deeply into the psyche. Who could go for a shower ever after without thinking of poor Janet Leigh? wink But then I realised this was probably just one more sign that I'm getting old. (There have been a lot of those lately.) Really, there's no reason why the 'younger generation' should pick up this reference at all. The impact of Psycho has certainly faded in the last decade or so. Maybe if I'd used Jason instead, it would have been clearer. Which is rather a depressing thought actually <g>. Given that Jason is the 'hero' of some cheap slasher flicks which couldn't hope to match the sheer manipulative brilliance of Hitchock's movie. I've done some minor tweaking to the line, which should tie it down. Thanks for the catch and thanks for the suggestions on how to tweak it too.

What made slightly less sense was that he was still bleeding. The whole powers fading in and out thing kind of confuses me, but generally, when he gets his invulnerability back, his wounds close up. We know he got it back for at least a little while. Why is he still bleeding?
You're asking someone who doesn't understand the concept of vulnerability to start with? goofy I'm still trying to work out how you can't feel the touch of bullets striking your skin, but can feel your wife stroking your skin. (Maybe it's partly subconsciously controlled? Certainly, as it turned out, the subconscious seemed to have a great deal to do with it in this story. If he focuses hard enough, or the need/danger is great enough, he does seem to be able to spark them back into life, even if only temporarily and not entirely at full strength).

Anyway, I long ago lost the will to live trying to pin it all down to something logical. Maybe the invulnerability is only working on certain parts of his body and not on others. laugh No, not really. He has stopped bleeding though. So I'm assuming his powers kicked in long enough to half heal the wound, but not long enough to do the job entirely. Maybe. On the show, I realise that on at least one occasion once his powers kicked in it only took seconds for his wound to close and vanish, but OTOH there was never any consistency as to how K affected Clark, so I think the only thing we can assume as to how his powers will react – or not - at any given time is assume nothing. <G> Or expect the unexpected, as Gerry Anderson used to say.

Or, in conclusion – what Terry and Toc said. <g>

Many thanks for the input on the ellipses. Ellipsis. Dang. I have a real mental block on which of those is the plural and can never be bothered to look it up and find out. <g> Anyway, I was sure that the answers to my question would be a resounding 100% 'hate 'em', so rather nice to see that so many of you weren't bothered by them. Thanks for the thoughtful response, Yvonne. The commas don't work for me at all, either. And the truncated sentences – I hated the ones I used even more than the ellipses, so I think I agree with you on those. Dashes, however, had suddenly occurred to me just a couple of hours before Terry suggested them and now that I've seen them in situ (thanks Toc!) I'm drawn to them much more than the ellipses. So I think I'll probably change to dashes. Thanks, everyone for the help. goofy

So thank you all again – I'm delighted you've having so much fun with this one. I laughed a lot at all your reactions to the cold, especially. <g> And when I wasn't laughing I was blush a lot at your very kind comments.

And finally:

There better not be anybody in that cabin! A few... rats?... would be ok, I guess

While I'm all for bonding and hugging and all... does anyone else feel the need to get out of the snow?
Though I love the action, let's hope, for both Lois and Clark's sake, that things slow down a little!
Your wish, Sunkist and Tracey... <g> Good news, guys – you can turn your ACs back on and ditch those blankets! laugh

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers