Comment on the ellipses. They work and they convey the sense of on-the-edge barely-functioning people dealing with a really tough situation. If you don't like them, you might use " - ", like this:
"Clark, you're - hurt! Be careful - with that!"
But I know of no convention or rule that says you have to use either one. And the dialogue is good as it stands.

About Clark's arm wound. If it was a burn or a furrow, it wouldn't have bled as much as a puncture with an exit wound, so it's okay if the wound closes up and the blood just stains his sleeve. Or, you could keep the intermittent powers on-off thing going and let him get a black eye or a sprained ankle that also doesn't go away when his powers kick in again. Not at all incidentally, that's a great device. Wish I'd thought of it.

I think the story's excellent. The tension is palpable and the friendly conflict between Lois and Clark is fully believable. Keep up the great work!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing