Okay- first I was clutching the mouse furiously thinking... Who the heck is shooting at them?!

Then this was awesome:
Suddenly, powerless, he felt invincible.
I loved the way you brought that dynamic in... such talent you have, Rat.

Cursed snow! Zut Alors! It only adds to the stress of the situation. It slowed the assassins down, but anyone willing to spray that much ammunition at trees will be back. Cursed powers! They came back long enough to stop bullets aimed at his back but didn't heal the hole in his arm?!

Personally, I think the ellipses helped to show the breathlessness. I think that if it were overdone, it could be annoying, but that was not the case. As was said by others, they helped me *feel* the struggle they were going through.

While I'm all for bonding and hugging and all... does anyone else feel the need to get out of the snow? And then, just when I was pondering a false advertisement suit because we had yet to see the cabin that was in the trailer--> they found it. Whew! Well, er, maybe whew... depends on who the neighbors actually are!

Are ants more inclined to do the congo or the jitterbug?


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles