i wrote about 300 words last night. that's it for yesterday. and a bunch of what i wrote may get mass deleted [do you guys really want to hear lois and clark reading trivial pursuit questions?]. They are going to play 'ungame' once DH brings it home - that should spark good conversation rather than just reading TP questions [though it worked well when they were playing with perry and alice and jimmy and lucy]. i have 17xxx words to write and probably 10 hours to do it in... remotely possible but unlikely when you consider everything else i'll have to do in those hours. DH normally is gone all day thurs but will be home for about 6.5 hours he normally wouldn't betoday since he's only teaching and not working too.

i may end up writing a bunch of crap and mass deleting later. we'll see. i really want to finish this - i'd rather it be decent and finished, but i'll settle for finished at the moment.

december is for editing right?!?!

Carol 32703

[edit: beat yesterday's word total already with 408 at the moment for a total of 33149]

Edit, 1144AM Central: 10 sentence summary is
"Clark..." "Clark? "Clark?" "Clark! Clark! "Clark?" Clark?"


"Clark." "Clark!

1667 words today, official word count: 34519