I didn't read the first three pages of this topic (I've been avoiding the boards so that I can actually get my writing done), so I didn't realize I was supposed to fill out details.

NaNo Name: Elisabeth_queen_of_d8aland
Years Doing NaNo: newbie
This Year's Genre: L&C fanfic
This Year's Idea: Thank you to my lovely second child for the idea. It's a cross between Vatman and Madame Ex, kind of an angsty little bugger
Novel Title: no idea, but I picked a wordy one for a working title to get my wordcount up laugh
Word Count Goal: 50,000 (Plus I'm typing up a novel with each of my homeschooling kids)

Also, many thanks for explaining DD and DS. I'd always thought it was initials and wondered why everyone on the homeschooling board was married to someone with the initials DH.

who will type in a first line at some other time, but who must relinquish hubby's laptop to him at some point before he changes colors (he looks good in blue, but when his face is purple it doesn't bode well for my future)