I had firmly decided I was *not* going to do this this year. Every year I wanted to, but I used to tell myself, "I'll do it when I get out of college." Well, now I'm out of college, but I had another excuse. "Being a first year teacher is almost as bad as being in college. I'll do it next year." Plus I live in a new city and have no social life, so I figured if I was going to have free time I should be out meeting people instead of sitting in my living room writing a novel.

And then last night I changed my mind, threw caution to the winds, and wrote 1,862 words of a brand new novel. It's something very new to me. It's not fanfic. It's not even a genre novel. I have no outline, no idea where it's going, and I've lost two days' worth of writing time. Deep down I have a feeling I'm not going to be anywhere close to 50,000 words by the end of the month, but I'm going to try. 50K words / 28 days = 1,785 words per day.

Anyway, all this to say, I'm throwing my hat in the ring, let's see how far I get smile

NaNo Name: Kaylle (Number 251692)
Years Doing NaNo: 0
This Year's Genre: Mainstream fiction
This Year's Idea: Best friends are reunited after nine years with no contact.
Novel Title: The One That Got Away
Word Count Goal: 50K
I'll be posting the story in friends-only posts on LiveJournal; if you have an account there and would like to see the story, drop me a line and I'll send you the address smile