My own little personal goal the last few days has been to keep up with sheilah - not because it's a competition or anything but when I went to put my number in the other day I noticed she was only a couple words ahead of me.
LOL, carol! My goal for the past few days has been to stay ahead of you and aromassa because I noticed that you were either right behind or even ahead of me. I'm so sorry your kids are sick, and frankly, I don't know how you're doing any writing at all, but my hat is definitely off to you.

I didn't really have any excuse, but Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I fell way short of my daily goal, and now I'm almost 2000 words behind where I need to be to finish by the end of the month. Thank goodness the Thanksgiving break is coming. Maybe I can do some catching up then.

Off to catch Catherine before I go to work today. laugh

Sheila Harper
Hopeless fan of a timeless love story
