Glad to see you're finding some time for yourself, Carol. Enjoy those moments of peace.

Sheila, you have added her as a buddy. There is a glitch in the nanowrimo software that only allows you to see the first eleven buddies in order of their user number. If you click on the "My Nanowrimo" tab and then select the "Writing buddies" tab it will show you all of your buddies (but no details, I'm sorry to say). If there are some people who said they wanted to wrimo, but didn't do it you can delete them here. If not... huh

Jojo, it's really sad that you're dropping out since you were the cheerleader that got so many of us in. I do hope you finish, even if it is in December. I am reminded of an original fiction forum I once knew...

By the way, I ditched the really long novel excerpt and replaced it with a short, fun one.
