I've been watching the little troops while the rest of the family does a bunch of work at the bank to manage the estate. Still, since everybody's playing so nicely you would think I would have more than 700 words written.

LaraMoon, maybe my down day will help you to catch up again. It's not so much your view that I'm worried about, but the odor--since I've given up bathing in November to provide more time for writing.

On the over-30's nano-forum they were messing around with autosummaries. If you are using Microsoft Word, you click on Tools, Autosummary, select 10 or 20 sentences in a new document. This is how Word summarizes my story:

Just like Lois. “Relax, Lois. Clark sighed. Clark groaned. If you’ll excuse me…” Clark swallowed. Clark swallowed. Lois rolled her eyes. “Lois?” How’s Lois doing?”

Clark sighed. Lois volunteered.



“Don’t worry, Lois,” Clark promised. Clark sighed. Lois grimaced. Clark shrugged. Lois flinched. Lois.

“Lois? “Superman called.
Makes you want to run out and read it, doesn't it?

My favorites from the board were:
Deidre nodded.
Deidre nodded.
Deidre nodded.
Damien nodded.
Damien thought.
Damien nodded.
Damien nodded.
Damien nodded.
Damien nodded.
and this one:
(The main character's name is Ack, but it is still too funny.)

33738 and still writing--in between cruising the forums