It depends on the hospital and the doctor/nurse midwife you have. I had a midwife both times, and it was a very laid back experience. When my first child was born, it was only my husband (now ex-husband) and I in the room (our choice). When my second was born, my fiancé’s large family was in the room during labor and my sister-in-law and mother-in-law stayed for the birth along with my fiancé. He actually helped deliver our son (what they call "catching the baby").

As for pushing, 10 cm is correct. Didn't have a problem with that the first time. The second time my body got all out of whack. I wasn't dilating past 7 and had the uncontrollable urge to push, which is definitely NOT recommended.

As for timing of the contractions, five minutes apart is the normal recommended time to get to the hospital (as far as I can remember.)

Unfortunately, that all changes when you have complications and have to be induced. frown I will not get into that story, though. I've rambled on enough as it is.

Hope that helps!

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.